Great Ways to Build LInks With Yedda

Yedda is another site that lets users ask questions about any topic they like. In result other users of the yedd then answer the question and the best answer is voted on by the community. So the more your questions and answers voted ,the morepageviews for your page.

With a little planning, you can get automated emails for when a question is asked that relates to your keywords, and then you can answer the question and a great way to build links from it.

For example, I subscribed to the keyword ‘news´, and received an email with someone asking whats the plan for solving the crisis, through which I answered.

This is a very simple, very effective and great, nearly automated way of building related links to your site. The best part is, you might even get some decent traffic from it as well. Since there are so many possibilities and different variables with this technique, so create your own variations.

But remember don't spam their community, just make limit in adding URL's to your questions nand make your questions more useful and with sense.


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