Now a days I have seen many webmasters getting slapped by Google for Paid Links, Paid Post, Buying Links and Exchanging Links to increase there PageRank (PR).The point must be clear that best links are not paid, or exchanged.
Well here I’m telling you some simple points which might be helpful in getting good PR… so here are the points below:
1. Don’t buy or sell sitewide links for serps.
2. Don’t look for high PR links from the beginning - I will recommend to start your new site link building with PR 0-1 and slowly move up according to increase in your rankings.
3. Control your link building speed. Building 5-10 links a day is fine.
4. Avoid link-farms, links to gambling, pills, etc.
5. Link from a relevant website is fantastic.
6. Make links look natural.
7. Different anchor text, while building links will be useful.
So..Thats it.
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Yahoo Buzz, the social news site that Yahoo Inc. It may pose a serious threat to social news pioneer -Digg, according to some industry observers and even Digg users.
Yahoo late yesterday opened to all publishers. The company said that said since the beta program opened last winter with 100 users, more than 300 Publishers added The site already boasts 5 million users, it said.
Buzz generates a "BuzzScore" based on user votes to rate the news stories, videos, images or blog posts on the Web. The top stories are then considered for placement on
Buzz is Eating Digg's is the ultimate aggregator of them all. What's more, it is precisely the holy grail that digg has been reaching for - MAINSTREAM users. While digg has been desperately trying to make itself into a mainstream social news site - and it has succeeded to a degree, as its front page now includes politics, entertainment and other non-tech stories - it hasn't got anywhere near the punch that still packs. Simply put, has the audience. And now it is implementing digg features.
When it was still in closed Beta, limited websites are allowed to use the Yahoo Buzz Widget to test if it is effective.So the answers are YES!
Early Publisher Results – Yahoo! Buzz Beta (Feb 27, 2008 – Mar 10, 2008):
· reached over 1 million uniques in one day for the first time in the company's 12-year history, after linked to one of their highly "buzzed" stories (they issued this press release)
· US Magazine: In part due to a link, February 27th was the second highest day in overall traffic since its launch in June 2006. Referral visits from the Yahoo! homepage accounted for 32% of total visits that day.
· When linked to one of their stories, The Smoking Gun received approximately 1 million additional page views over their average traffic, with over 275,000 visitors coming from the Yahoo! homepage.
· (part of Conde Net) received over half a million referral visits from a “Buzzing Now” link.
· HuffingtonPost received over 800,000 unique visitors from in one day.
· Dallas Morning News’ traffic spiked as a result of their “Buzzing Now” link, making the featured story their most viewed single story on that day.
· Imaginova: and articles were featured and linked to directly from Yahoo!'s homepage and both sites saw significant increases in daily visitors and traffic after being featured for just 2 hours.
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I just wonder how nervous Twitter is right now. Because Twitter said the dont have structural problems, but clearly do-so people are leaving.
For what? First FreindFeed, now Both have their upsides: freindfeed has true conversation and has the potential to replace twitter’s functionality.
FriendFeed is not a “communication service” but it is a great conversation service also to share info and updates for subscribed members. Their issue is integration; Twitter replies was a great start but it shouldn’t stop., running the open source tool laconica is clearly gunned at replacing twitter. It’s creating buzz, probably because of the open platform. However, I wish the buzz was about its ability to federate, of course we would then would have to explain federation (federation allows you to run the software yourself and be tied to all the others running the the same software. Think of a thousand independent twitter servers all connected).
Thats why Friendfeed should Move, Wake Up.
FriendFeed should run its own federated laconica service, making it a one stop shop for conversation and communication. What about Identica? wins because it a user friendly one stop place for everyone- freetards groping right now will refuse the “walled garden” and more importantly the federation would automatically give a large majority of FreindFeed’s base.
So twitter looses right? They could, then again “I wonder how nervous twitter is right now”. They may not be nervous at all. Because they see the numbers behind people leaving vs. talking about leaving.
Regardless: Twitter should fix their current situation; FriendFeed needs to partner and integrate more; needs a user base.
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SezWho allows readers to rate each other’s comments. It adds this rating to cumulative rankings across SezWho-enabled sites. And it provides an overall score associated with individual profiles and on individual subjects.Really for everyone.
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Emails are replacing regular mails from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper, since you do not need to buy a stamp, it’s also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world.
No doubt emails are being used to distribute news letters, promotional mails, and other stuff. How then would you be able to round up email addresses to send those marketing mails you have? Here is where an opt-in list comes in.
An opt-in list is a directory of email address you can send to those mails to. Though it seems to be easy to find email addresses, if you are talking thousands in numbers, it is going to be hard. Besides, you have to determine the recipient of the email. You wouldn’t want your readers mostly male if you are selling lipsticks, right?
A good opt-in list should include the profile of the email address owner. Here are tips on how to create a comprehensive opt-in list for target market.
Create your website.
Creating a website is made simple nowadays. A lot of programs are milling about assisting regular computer users in making and maintaining websites in a real simple way. Some website creator just needs you to cut and paste, like that of a regular paint program. Several web hosting sites are available too. Some are even free. If you have a site of your own, you can ask visitors to register with you or sign your guest book as they leave.
Set up a promotion or a freebie.
Not all the best things in life are free, as they say. But you can definitely try to give something out for sure. You can see this done all over the web. Free screensavers, free games, free download of programs. And what do they need from you? They just ask for an email address, your name and a little something more about you. Then you can place a check box on the registration form for sending of email. For sure, you can think of something to give out as well.
Write and write some more.
There are some web magazines where in readers can submit their writings for a particular topic. If you had a chance to do so, add a link to your article providing information about what you are trying to promote. Some readers of your article may enjoy your work so much they’d like to contact you, so don’t forget to leave your email address too.
Pose an easy opt-out option.
People who like to join your opt-in list would, along the way may want to opt out of it somehow. People who are wary of joining may not join at all if they see that it would be near impossible to remove their email address from the listing. Show them that it is as easy to opt-out as it is opting in.
Check other’s strategy too.
It would be better if you can find a partner in generating an opt-in list. This way, you can split the expenses and both of you can share the list generated. It will be best to partner with a company that has a business similar to your own line. Both of you can profit more should that be the case.
Use offline ways too.
You can put up a small raffle preferably in a supermarket for a certain item they buy. You can place an email address opt-in part in the raffle entry to add to your list. This way, you’d also know the buying preferences of the participants if you mark the entries systemically.
Creating an opt-in list entails a lot of work and funds. You should outline how much you will spend in creating an opt-in list. People appearing at opt-in lists are sales prospects. They are those interested in a certain product that you may be selling. Obtaining an optimal opt-in list would boost your sales up so these tools are undoubtedly essential.
Acquire an opt-in list now or generate one. Either way, you are reaching to people that can be your one of your treasured customers for a long period time.
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Would you like new visitors that becomes a news subscriber?
These two great services and advertising opportunities will increase your blogs traffic.(really)
They have been around for a while (since Feb 2005) by all accounts, and have somewhere in the region of 7 million blogs registered with them, in over 9 languages – Impressive don’t you think?
The credits you earn get turned into new visitors for your blog. Your ad gets shown in other blogs of the Link2blogs network, in categories of your choice, and in this way you get a load of targeted blog readers. Interesting?
LINKREFERRAL is a site I use for targeted webmaster traffic.
There are several benefits to joining Linkreferral.
1. Its Free. Free website Advertising and promotion. You can upgrade to a Paid listing which has increased advantages but I have a free account and you still get plenty of traffic.
2. SEO. Once you join you get your site listed in their Directory which is crawled by all the major Search Engines
3. And most important Targeted Traffic. The site is made up of other Webmasters who want to make money online. The more you as a member participate by viewing other members sites the higher up in the Directory you are listed. This brings you more traffic from other webmasters. You can also review sites for more Ranking Credit. And lastly you receive ranking credit just for logging in to the site.
4.There is also a Referral program where you can earn credit by referring other new members.
I get daily targeted traffic from this site without even participating some days. I am going to put the link to the site below in the Links section since I haven't figured out how to put links in the Text section here at Hubpages.
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There is no point in building a website unless there are visitors coming in. A major source of traffic for most sites on the Internet is search engines like Google, Yahoo!, MSN, Altavista and so on. Hence, by designing a search engine friendly site, you will be able to rank easily in search engines and obtain more visitors.
Major search engines use programs called crawlers or robots to index websites to list on their search result pages. They follow links to a page, reads the content of the page and record it in their own database, pulling up the listing as people search for it.
If you want to make your site indexed easily, you should avoid using frames on your website. Frames will only confuse search engine robots and they might even abandon your site because of that. Moreover, frames make it difficult for users to bookmark a specific page on your site without using long, complicated scripts.
Do not present important information in Flash movies or in images. Search engine robots can only read text on your source code so if you present important words in Flash movies and images rather than textual form, your search engine ranking will be affected dramatically.
Use meta tags accordingly on each and every page of your site so that search engine robots know at first glance what that particular page is about and whether or not to index it. By using meta tags, you are making the search engine robot's job easier so they will crawl and index your site more frequently.
Stop using wrong HTML tags like to style your page. Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) instead because they are more effective and efficient. By using CSS, you can eliminate redundant HTML tags and make your pages much lighter and faster to load.So that's it...
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